The Fitness Trainer training offers you the most complete training if you are looking for a job in fitness or sports and you have little or no experience or previous education. Whether you have ambitions to become a Personal Trainer, want to work in a box as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist or work with athletes as a Sport Performance Specialist, this training lays a broad foundation for this. We explain how to develop a balanced training program for a customer (program design), taking into account his/her specific circumstances. After completing the course you will have sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to work independently as a trainer.

Content Fitness Trainer

In our 9-day training we teach you to approach fitness in a unique way. In theory, we use the Sphere model we developed. The Sphere model does not emphasize a single aspect of training, but all elements that influence exercise and training, such as the biological, neurological and psychological aspects, are discussed. The model helps you understand how everything is connected and how you can choose the best approach for each customer.  

The Dutch HDA courses are different from others. We try to give you insight into how certain processes and techniques work, but especially how they can be applied to the individual. In addition, we teach you critical thinking skills and you will notice that you are making progress in your own development. The overview below gives an idea of what you will learn during the Fitness Trainer training.

We teach you to master all aspects of fitness exercises to perfection. We start with simple variants of basic exercises such as squat, bench press and explain the use of the most common fitness equipment. Later in the course we cover a series of more complex variants and add exercises for objectives such as speed and power. 

Using our advanced augmented reality app, we show three-dimensionally how the body is put together. You learn to analyze which muscles are active on the basis of movements and how this comes about. with this knowledge you can link movements and muscles to exercises.

You learn how a muscle works and how it is built. We explain how learning or refining movements is neurologically established. We then indicate what you can do in practice with this complex matter.

It is important to analyze posture and movements in a physical way. In this way you are able to determine the load on the body, the active muscles and the direction of movement. It gives you the opportunity to assess per individual whether someone is using the right exercise based on the goal, load capacity and individual physical characteristics. 

Before you develop a training schedule, we teach you how to assess an individual customer. Think of whether someone is of a beginner, intermediate or advanced level, but also aspects such as social-affective, psychomotor and cognitive characteristics that determine the movements and exercises that a client can and wants to perform. 

A tailor-made training schedule is the result of much of the theory and practice you receive during the training. You work on both an individual and a small group training level. This involves programming the correct training stimuli such as intensity and volume based on the objective and individual.

In coaching, you initially focus on the correct execution of exercises, motivating athletes and helping with information and achieving the desired result. We will work with you when it comes to important elements such as voice use and walking lines. We explain how you can create a challenging experience through variety, progressive structure and new achievable goals. 

Human development is the core value for Dutch HDA. By creating a solid theoretical and practical foundation, you gain the confidence to teach a good lesson. In addition, we emphasize the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to see things in context. In this way we build a mature personality that really distinguishes itself as a fitness professional.

  • You can work completely independently in the gym and offer planned and targeted physical training for individual or group clients.
  • In the Fitness Trainer course at Dutch HDA you learn to develop critical thinking skills and to think in context. You will learn how to provide training in a convincing, inspiring and motivating way. You make sure people learn something and make sure they get results.
  • You can conduct an intake on the basis of more complex tests and measurements in order to be able to individualise well within the group. You can then formulate a SMART objective
  • You can design a progressive short-term training schedule for a group that takes individual differences into account. You are able to choose the right exercise for the right person.
  • You can perform more complex fitness exercises to perfection and choose those that best suit the individual client.
  • You motivate and support the client by explaining why you are doing the exercises and what the effect is for each person.
  • You distinguish yourself as an independent trainer in the gym.


Lestijden: 10.00 tot 16.00 uur Locatie: No Excuses HDA aan de Johannes Geradtsweg 115
1222 PP Hilversum


Dutch HDA - May 2024


The total costs for the Fitness Trainer training are: € 2227,-. Het e-book, de app met augmented reality en de examenkosten zijn hierbij inbegrepen. Het is mogelijk om in termijnen te betalen. Bij termijnbetalingen geldt een toeslag van €30 per opleiding. De opleidingen van Dutch HDA zijn CRBKO geaccrediteerd en dientengevolge vrijgesteld van BTW.



STUDY TAX The program has a study load of 20 hours per week, of which 6 hours are lessons, 7 hours an internship and 7 hours self-study. You also follow the E-learning courses program design and anatomy. The total study load spread over 9 weeks amounts to 206 hours.

INTERNSHIP The internship is an important part of the Dutch HDA courses. You put the acquired skills into practice and learn to gain work experience independently. In addition, you will complete various internship assignments to test your progress. You choose your internship address yourself. Don't worry about that, it always works in practice.

EXAM The exam consists of a theory exam and a practical exam. The theory exam consists of 40 questions and takes place online in our electronic learning environment.
The practical exam takes place by filming the execution of a training for one person on the basis of an assigned case. The second part requires the student to write a reflection report.

RE-EXAM If you failed the exam, you can request a re-exam. The costs for this are €79.

GROUP SIZE You will be taught in small groups of a maximum of 10-15 people.


Package advantage: Dutch HDA Specialist Package

Would you like to benefit from the progressive structure of our courses, in which all courses connect seamlessly? Then use the Dutch HDA Specialist package and the attractive discount that we offer. 

In the Dutch HDA Specialist package you follow two courses, starting with Fitness Trainer and ending with a Specialty course of your choice, for example Personal Trainer Specialist.

In plaats van €4114,- bieden we je deze twee opleidingen aan voor een pakketprijs van €3826,-. Hiermee bespaar je €288 ofwel 7% van de prijs van de individuele opleidingen. 

Dutch HDA - May 2024


At Dutch HDA, quality is central. This means that we consider a personal approach important and that you can apply the theory directly in your environment to get the maximum value from the training. The theory is tough, but we make it understandable by always making the link with practice. You'll find out how important it is to learn from the real pros in the business. With our scientific background and decades of experience in teaching, coaching and training students, trainers and sports talents, we are ideally placed to teach you all the skills you need.

ereps gecrediteerd

Branch recognized training

Our training is industry recognized and therefore meets all standards set by institutes nationally and internationally. With the diploma you can register yourself in the register of EREPS (European Register of Exercise Professionals) and thus also work outside the Netherlands.


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