Create your own training!

Dutch HDA organizes workshops based on the modular structure of the three specialist courses, namely: 

  • Personal Trainer Specialist
  • Strength & Conditioning Specialist
  • Sports Performance Specialist

In this way, the trainer decides for himself which part of which training he/she wants to follow at what time. Combined with the
E-learning modules allow the trainer to create his own unique personalized training.


Dutch HDA - July 2024


If you are interested in our workshops, the only condition is that you attend 'Fundamentals of Specialties' on the first day. These are the advanced principles of fitness necessary to follow the individual workshops. Subsequently, everyone has the completely free choice to select one or more workshops from any training. The workshops coincide with the individual training days of the different Specialties of Dutch HDA, so you will meet the participants of this training during this day. The days are structured in such a way that it does not matter whether you follow a workshop or a regular course. 

If you are interested in completing a full course but for whatever reason are unable or unwilling to follow it in one go, that is possible. The condition is that you follow all workshops within two years and, of course, take an exam at the end.


The costs are €299 per workshop (classes are from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm) and correspond to the average cost of the half-day of the five-day training (€1,499). If you want to take the exam, the exam fee is €150. In some cases it is recommended to follow one or more E-learning courses, but this is not mandatory.  


Use the registration form below to register for our workshops. We will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm your participation and take care of further administrative matters. If you have a specific question, please send an email to


View the detailed description at the daily schedule:
View the detailed description at the daily schedule:
View the detailed description at the daily schedule:

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