Hoe kies ik de juiste fitness/powerlift/weightlift oefening?

In this video we explain how we can come from analyzing the output (1rm, force ratios, speed, acceleration) to choose specific exercises, variations and proportions.

So if there is a deviation from expectations, what could be the cause and should we as Coach do something about it?

Topics covered include:

  • Ratios / ratios between different lifts.
  • Possible theoretical explanations for differences and preferences.
  • How can there be a difference between the theoretical 10 rm and 1rm?
  • The influence of limb length on load and execution.
  • Why am I or my customer relatively stronger in the powerclean than squatclean?
  • Is it necessary to address this difference?
  • Conventional or sumo deadlifts?

We look at this from an integrated approach in which we combine biomechanical principles with individual anatomy and physiology linked to the target.

During our Strength & Conditioning Specialist training you will learn to analyze complex movements such as deadlifts, cleans, sprints, muscle ups, formulate corrections of theoretical knowledge and then transfer them to your customer. You can let this concept go to any method, exercise and starting level of the client.

Also learn how you can apply this depth to a group, where you give the people the right load individually. Follow our Strength & Conditioning Specialist training in Hilversum.

Ideal for Personal Trainers, CrossFit Coaches, Weightlift Coaches, Powerlift Coaches, Bootcamp Trainers & Small Group Trainers!

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